Frequently Asked Questions
Safer Recruitment & DBS
The Safer Recruitment Policy & Procedure has a step by step guide to recruiting ALL volunteers – whether or not they need to have a DBS check.
Confidential Self Declarations, Key Holder Declaration (Form D) and Form A. It is essential that the Confidential Self Declaration forms become an intrinsic part of volunteer recruitment – not only to allow transparency from the applicant, but also to ensure that due process has been followed if there might be anything that needs following up. Form A is also used for recruiting all new volunteers. All keyholders need to complete form D. The latest version of these documents are available here:
Model role descriptions can be found here – to be adapted to local requirements. Cross reference roles with the safer recruitment policy to help discern if a particular role needs a DBS check in place.
Any queries about which level DBS check is needed can be directed to DDC – the experts, who are very helpful.
Tel: 0116 260 3055
Information & procedures regarding hirers
Safeguarding Policy
Connexional policies & procedure (including model church/circuit policies).
The Connexional policy is searchable using a keyword search (control and F on Windows devices) or you can click on the relevant section on the ‘Contents’ pages, which redirects to the selected section. Hard copies of the Connexional policy are not available – due to regular updates, a hard copy would become out of date very quickly. Once the relevant section has been found, selected pages can be printed off as required – a print option, or copy and paste the required section onto another printable document.